Course Description

In this course you’ll learn that ideas are everywhere. And I teach you how to capture them!

Those ideas are often worth money. You may not recognized a good idea when you see one, but I explain how to become aware of them and how to take action when you do.

I explain how ideas are formed in your mind... there’s brain science that will help you produce your ideas when you discover how they are formed.

There are many rich areas of ideas in your life and I discuss how to tap into them.
  • Your life experience
  • Your formal training
  • Your work
  • Your hobbies
  • People you know

There are even so-called “Evergreen ideas” that you can tap into, and I explain what they are and how you can use them to your benefit.

This course is not limited to nonfiction authors. All the concepts apply to both fiction and nonfiction idea-generation... but I do have a complete lesson for fiction writers.

I discuss how you can shape the ideas the idea ideas you get... that’s essential to get a solid book idea.

Importantly, you’ll learn how to test your ideas for profit potential.

This course also offers something you won’t often find... a strategy about what to do if a good idea goes bad.

Invest your time in this course. You’ll be glad you did.

DL Hughes

D.L. Hughes has over three decades of experience as a writer, editor, publisher, and educator.
Here are a few highlights of his work. He is genuinely interested in helping his clients and students reach their writing, personal, and business goals.

► A Bachelor’s degree and two Master’s degrees, including an M.A. degree in Communications.

► Served as an editor for a national book-selling industry magazine.

► Taught writing and media subjects at conferences and on the University level, both in the U.S. and overseas.

►Named to Outstanding Educators of America.

►Traveled to 31 countries as an NGO journalist.

►Worked for book publishers and has been the CEO of his own Indie publishing company for 26 years.

►Has written or ghostwritten 42 books and edited hundreds more.

► Consults with writers and mentors them.

► Offers quality professional editing and other book services.

His diverse portfolio includes public relations writing, advertising copywriting, news writing, magazine articles, technical writing, fiction books, nonfiction books, book ghostwriting, documentary film scripts, course content, multimedia scripts, and online content.

He is based in Southern California. He has clients and students in 77 countries. You can reach him at [email protected].

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Introduction

  • 2

    Course Lessons

    • Lesson 1: Ideas Are Everywhere

    • Lesson 2: Your Life Experience is an Idea Generator

    • Lesson 3: Evergreen Nonfiction Book Ideas

    • Lesson 4: Ideas for Fiction Writers

    • Lesson 5: Your Work is a Treasure Chest of Ideas

    • Lesson 6: Shaping Ideas Like Potter's Clay

    • Lesson 7: Is it a Profitable Idea?

    • Lesson 8: What to Do When a Good Idea Turns Bad

    • Lesson 9: Mixing Passion and Reason - A Summary

    • Quick Quiz

  • 3

    Lesson Notes

    • Lesson 3 Notes

    • Lesson 4 Notes

    • Lesson 8 Notes

    • Lesson 5 Notes

  • 4

    Resource Section

    • Course Credits

    • Legal Notices