Course Description

Get free exposure for for your book or other product or service.

Wise people are want to find cost effective ways to get the word out. Sending a news release is one way to do that.

But it's not enough to throw a release at newspapers like mud on a wall and see if sticks. You need to know what news outlets are looking for and provide it to them.

In this mini-course you'll learn:

  • The one key thing news outlets are looking for in a news release
  • How to structure your release for maximum impact
  • The types of content news outlets seek
    How to structure a news release when you write it
  • How to format a news release
  • Where to distribute your release
  • Tips (and cautions) that will help you get your release published

This course also has a list of places where you can publish your release along with other bonus material.

Invest your time in this course. You'll get great publicity value for your investment.

DL Hughes

D.L. Hughes has over three decades of experience as a writer, editor, publisher, and educator.
Here are a few highlights of his work. He is genuinely interested in helping his clients and students reach their writing, personal, and business goals.

► A Bachelor’s degree and two Master’s degrees, including an M.A. degree in Communications.

► Served as an editor for a national book-selling industry magazine.

► Taught writing and media subjects at conferences and on the University level, both in the U.S. and overseas.

►Named to Outstanding Educators of America.

►Traveled to 31 countries as an NGO journalist.

►Worked for book publishers and has been the CEO of his own Indie publishing company for 26 years.

►Has written or ghostwritten 42 books and edited hundreds more.

► Consults with writers and mentors them.

► Offers quality professional editing and other book services.

His diverse portfolio includes public relations writing, advertising copywriting, news writing, magazine articles, technical writing, fiction books, nonfiction books, book ghostwriting, documentary film scripts, course content, multimedia scripts, and online content.

He is based in Southern California. He has clients and students in 77 countries. You can reach him at [email protected].

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Introduction

    • What You'll Learn

  • 2

    Course Lessons

    • What Experience Teaches

    • Help News Publishers Help You

    • Slant Your Story Correctly

    • Types of Information that Gets Published

    • How to Structure a News Story

    • How to Distribute Your News Release

    • How to Format a News Release

    • Tips and Cautions

    • Fun Learning Quiz

  • 3

    Resource Section

    • Places to Distribute Your News Release

    • Project/Special Offer